If you have received the Office 365 Suite install and would like to manually install the software. Please use the following instructions.
How to perform the installation:
1) Open Software Center by searching for it using the search bar located on the Taskbar of your Windows computer in the lower left-hand corner of your screen.

2) Select Applications and look for the “Microsoft Office 365 Suite – 32bit” application. Click the icon to select it.

3) Click the install option.

3a) The installation process will begin. As a reminder, during this time, you will not be able to access your email, or any other office product such as word, excel, and so forth.

An office progress box will open on your device at some point to show the progress of the installation.

4) When the installation is complete, you will see a prompt in your lower left-hand corner of windows and the progress display will change to show that you are all set.

5) Hit close to complete the installation process.
After the installation has completed, you will need to set up Outlook during its first time run using the new version.
6a) Open the Outlook application on your computer
6b) When the application opens for the first time, you will be prompted to enter your email address. This is generally pre-populated but if not, just enter you RCSJ email address and then hit connect.
Example: jdoe@rcsj.edu

6c) After Outlook is done looking up your account information, you will see a confirmation page. By default, set up outlook on my mobile device is checked, uncheck this option. You can also ignore the add another email address field.
NOTE: If you encounter an error saying that the server or destination could not be reached. Check if you are connected to the RCSJ VPN. If you are connected, temporarily disconnect before trying again. You only have to worry about this during this first initial configuration.

If you have any trouble completing the installation or need assistance, please reach out the Technical Support by submitting a ticket to ts@rcsj.edu or by calling 856-415-2298 option 1.