How to download and install Adobe Creative Cloud apps



  1. Navigate to the RCSJ Portal and find the link to Adobe Creative Cloud in the “My Applications” menu. You can also go directly to and click "Sign In".



  1. Enter your RCSJ email address and click “Continue”.​​​​​



  1. Enter your RCSJ login information and then click “sign in”.



  1.  Click on “Apps” near the upper left corner of the screen.



  1. Click “download” on the application you would like to install. (We will be using Photoshop to continue our example.)




  1. You will get this notification, but you do not need to request permission. Click “ok” and the software setup file will begin to download.



  1. Once the software setup file is downloaded click to run the application. You may be asked to allow this application to make changes to your device, click “Yes”.



  1. Click “Continue” to install the selected application.

 Note *** You may be prompted to login and confirm your information again via the Creative Cloud login page***



  1. Fill out the questions below and click “Continue”.


  1. The Application will then begin installing. When it is completed the application will open automatically and a shortcut can be found in the programs menu of your computer.