Online Proctoring - Student FAQs


Q: What is Online Proctoring?

A: Online proctoring is software that monitors students via webcam while they take an online exam. The software is used to assist with the academic integrity of online exams. While students in face-to-face courses may sit in a room that has a live proctor, the use of online proctoring software assists with the replication of this situation for the online environment so students can take exams from home, or any other off-campus location. 

RCSJ uses a combination of two tools, called Respondus LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor, for online proctoring. View the video below for a brief introduction to these tools.

To learn more about Online Proctoring, please visit the Online Proctoring page.


Q: When I click on a test that uses Online Proctoring, it's asking me for a password.

A: Make sure you are using LockDown browser to access the test. To take a test that utilizes Online Proctoring, you must first download and install LockDown browser, then launch LockDown browser, login to eLearning/Blackboard, and navigate to the test.

You can find instructions for downloading LockDown browser on the Online Proctoring page. Once on the page, navigate down to the sections called "How do I download LockDown browser?" and "How do I take an exam with LockDown Browser?"


More questions and answers will be added as we hear from students...



Article ID: 115953
Thu 9/10/20 11:41 AM
Thu 9/10/20 12:02 PM