Both Campuses
Tool Links differ from Content Areas in that tool links create links to tools that live inside eLearning. Content areas are folders where you can put other things, but Tool Links link to a specific course tool.
Some of the most-used Course Tools are:
- Announcements
- Course Messages
- Discussion Boards
- Zoom Meeting
To add a Tool Link to your Course Menu so that students can access the tool, follow these directions:
- First, go into your course and locate the Course Menu. Your Course Menu is the bar that displays along the left side of your course.

- To add any type of item to your Course Menu, you begin by clicking on the plus sign (+) at the top left of your course menu.

- In this case, the option you want to select is Tool Link. Once you select Tool Link, you will be given the option to name your Tool Link, select the type of tool you're linking to, and make it available to users.

- If you want to add a link to the Course Messages tool, you would type in "Course Messages" or "Messages Tool" or anything else you'd like to call it. This is what the student will see on their course menu, and this is what the student will click to access the tool. In this example, we will type in Course Messages.
- Next, select the tool type. eLearning has a lot of tools, so it needs to know which specific tool you want to link to. Use the drop down menu next to Type to select the tool you want to link to. In the example, we will choose Course Messages.
- Finally, make sure you put a check mark in the box beside Available to Users. Then click the Submit button.

- By default, your new Tool Link will appear at the bottom of your course menu. You can move this tool link up and down your course menu as you like.