The SharePoint platform, which the Intranet is built on, limits the combination of folders and file names to 250 characters. Therefore, if the URL to get to a file is over 250 characters, it can may produce an error or prevent users from being able to upload files, even if the appropriate permissions have been given to the users.
The SharePoint platform, which the Intranet is built on, limits the combination of folders and file names to 250 characters. Therefore, if the URL to get to a file is over 250 characters, it can may produce an error or prevent users from being able to upload files, even if the appropriate permissions have been given to the users.
For example, when a document is added to a documents folder or other folders in the SharePoint Intranet, a URL is produced for that document. The example URL below (not a real link) has 341 characters, which SharePoint does not allow:
This is because the URL is produced based upon the names used within site and folder structure:
Intranet > SC > Committees > MyCommittee > Share Documents > Document Folder For Review At A High Level > Document Folder As A Subfolder Within This Folder With A Very Long Folder Name > Subfolder Within This Subfolder With A Long Name > my-document-with-a-long-descriptive-name.docx
While it may be necessary at times to provide descriptive names for folders and documents, it's recommended that short names are used, especially in the case of embedded folders.