Request that a DEV shell be removed from the system.

Important Note

We recommend you create and keep an export file for your DEV shell before you request its removal. This way you can recover content from your DEV shell in the future, if you realize you need something from it after it has been removed from the system.

Follow these directions to create an export file of your shell.

We recommend you store your export file on your RCSJ OneDrive for easy organization and access. 

Your Course ID can be found by going into your course and clicking on FILES under the Control Panel. DEV shell course IDs almost always begin with DEV.
Your Course Name is what appears at the top left of your course menu when you're in the course. Almost all DEV shells begin with "DEV" in the course name.
Please give us any other information to help ensure we find the correct course. If you have two courses with similar names, leave us a bit more info to help us out.

Other Fields

Your name
Verification Code