Request to have an account created for someone who is not employed by RCSJ

Note: Affiliate account sponsorship must be authorized by an Executive Director or higher.

Substitute college department if the contractor is self-employed.
Please allow five days for account to be created.
Please select the end date of the account. Maximum of one year.
Account Access: (certain systems may require additional approval.)
Microsoft Suite / Software access
Does the account need to be able to use Office 365 suite or have a college email address?
Microsoft Suite / Software access
VPN will allow access to on campus resources, such as Banner, from off campus while connected to the internet.
Additional approval may be required.
Additional approval may be required.
Please provide the exact name of the Team or Teams that need to be assigned.
Please also include information if there are Channels within the Team that need to be assigned.

Other Fields

Your name