How to log into your RCSJ account:
To log into your RCSJ Zoom account as a Cumberland Campus student, you have two options:
Step 1: Go to and click Sign In at the top right of the page
Step 2: Choose the option to sign in with Google by clicking the Google icon at the bottom of the page, under the username and password box.

Step 3: Enter your RCSJ email and password to login.
Step 1: Launch the Zoom app on your device.
Step 2: Click the option to Sign in and then choose Sign in with Google.
Step 3: Enter your RCSJ email and password to login.
To log into your RCSJ Zoom account as a Gloucester Campus student, you have two options:
Step 1: Go to and login to the Gloucester Portal with your RCSJ username and password.
Step 2: Once in the Portal, locate the My Applications area and scroll to the bottom of the list of apps. Click the link for Zoom.
Step 3: You should be taken directly to your RCSJ Zoom profile page. If instead you are prompted to login, enter your RCSJ username and password.
Step 1: Launch the Zoom app on your device.
Step 2: Click the option to Sign in and then choose Sign in with SSO
Step 3: When prompted for your company domain, type rcsj-edu into the text box. Alternatively, you can click the "I do not know the company domain" link and instead enter your RCSJ email address.
Step 4: When prompted, enter your RCSJ username and password.