Cumberland Bi-Weekly Pay (Questions & Answers)


  • Full-Time salaried employees do not need to complete Time Entry "unless" they have used any Leave (Personal, Vacation, Sick).


  • Part-Time employees must complete their timesheets or Time Entry through Cumberland's Self-Service system.


01) What if we submit for leave, and it is either submitted or approved, and you need to cancel or make a change?
If it is an already "Approved" request, the supervisor can "Unapprove" and / or "Reject" which will allow the employee to make changes or cancel the request.

02) Why is my WebAdvisor and Colleague Self-Service totals for Leave Balance not matching?

A glitch has been identified where data from Colleague is not synchronizing with Colleague Self-Service. Please contact Lauren Vilimas for adjusting your Leave Balance accordingly.

03) How is our vacation time reported / accrued?

It is your yearly amount divided by 12 months.


04) Do I have to enter a Time Entry for Inclement Weather college closure?
For Part-Time Employees, just complete your time sheet on the days you have worked.
No, for Full-Time Employees.


05) Do I have to enter a Time Entry for College Business or Conferences or Off-Campus Seminars?
No. You don't have to report this as well only PTO needs to be recorded.


06) If a Part-Time Employee failed to submit their hours by the due date, is the supervisor able to put those hours in for the staff member as long as the approval window has not closed? Or would we just email Gina?
The supervisor can input the hours worked for the part-time staff during the approval window. If it is outside the approval window, please contact Gina Forte.


07) How do I Enter Jury Duty and Bereavement?
Full-Time and Part-Time employees need to submit a paper timesheet to payroll.


08) How many pays will my medical, pension, dental, and union dues be deducted from?
These deductions are only taken out of 24 pays. There will be two pays in the course of the year where there are no deductions taken out. Please note those payments are still subject to applicable payroll taxes.


09) When does my vacation accrual hit my leave bank?
Your vacation accrual will hit your leave bank the second pay of each month

ZOOM Recording from 07/27/2023 session


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Mon 8/7/23 1:40 PM
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