Cumberland Student Login Quick Reference Guide

RCSJ Cumberland - Student
Technology Quick Reference Guide 2024
IT Support: 856-200-4811 or

1) Go to:
2) Username (8 characters max): First name initial + Full or Partial Last name + possibly a number
Example: George Washington - or
3) Password: If unknown, go through the Forgot password option.

1) Go to:
2) Username: Everything before the “@” symbol of your RCSJ email address.
3) Password: If unknown, go through the Forgot password option. You will receive a message to your college email to reset your Self-Service password.

WiFi (RCSJ-Student)
WiFi username and password is the same as your Self-Service username and password. If you cannot login to Self-Service, then you cannot login to the RCSJ-Student network.
1) On the device (computer or mobile/phone/tablet), connect to the RCSJ-Student network.
2) Username: Everything before the “@” symbol of your RCSJ email address.
3) Password: the same as Self-Service. If unknown, go to Self-Service and go through the Forgot password option.
Android/Chromebook user instructions:

Computer Lab Login
Computer Lab username and password is the same as your Self-Service username and password. If you cannot login to Self-Service, then you cannot login to classroom lab computers.
1) On the device (computer/phone/tablet), connect to the RCSJ-Student network.
2) Username: ccc\ then your Self-Service username (Example: ccc\gwashing)
3) Password: the same as Self-Service. If unknown, go to Self-Service and go through the Forgot password option.

Blackboard Learn
1) Go to:
2) Username: Everything before the “@” symbol of your RCSJ email address.
3) Password: If unknown, go through the Forgot password option. You will receive a message to your college email to reset your Blackboard Learn password or you can get help by emailing or calling 856-200-4810.

Respondus LockDown Browser (Downloading the Software)
1) Go to:
2) Locate the download link for RCSJ’s version LockDown Browser. Do not use other versions.

Respondus LockDown Browser (Taking an Exam)
1) Make sure ALL web browsers are closed before opening Respondus LockDown Browser.
2) Within the Respondus LockDown Browser, Choose Server should be "RCSJ - Cumberland Campus"
3) Login to Blackboard ( Follow your instructor’s directions.