Librarian Chris Herz will need data from the English Composition I Information Literacy Workbook assignment to write an "Assessment of General Education Learning Goals" report for General Education and Middle States assessments. This data needs to be collected for the Fall and Spring semesters every two years.
Below are step-by-step instructions for exporting the appropriate data from your Grade Center. Please follow the directions closely.
- Log into the RCSJ Gloucester Portal and then into eLearning.
- Go into the class from which you'd like to export the Information Literacy Workbook data.
- If you have more than one class, you will need to repeat this process to get the data from each class.
- Access your Grade Center by going to GRADE CENTER >> FULL GRADE CENTER
- Once in your Grade Center, at the top right you will see a button that says WORK OFFLINE. Click this button and choose DOWNLOAD.
- On the page that loads, you do not need to make any changes. Just click SUBMIT.
- On the next page, you will see a DOWNLOAD button. Click that button to download your Grade Center.
- Depending on your browser settings, this file will either download to your preferred location, or (by default) it will download to your "Downloads" folder.
- Locate the downloaded file and open it.
- You will get an alert that says "The file format and extension of "filename.xls" don't match. The file could be corrupted or unsafe. Unless you trust its source, don't open it. Do you want to open it anyway?"
- Choose "YES" to force the file to open.
- You will now be able to see your Grade Center, with a row for each student and a column for each grade.
- Please delete all columns with private or extraneous information.
- It is suggested that you delete all columns, except for the column(s) for the Information Literacy Workbook component of your course.
- If you imported all 3 Info Lit quizzes into your course, there will be 3 columns you will want to keep.
- To delete the extraneous columns (including student names), select the entire column by right-clicking the letter at the top of the column and choosing DELETE. [see this Microsoft Support Article for more information]
- When you've removed all the extraneous columns, go to FILE >> SAVE AS and name your file using the following example:
- Finally, please email your file(s) to Chris Herz as an attachment. Her email address is