Loading the Online/Hybrid Course Template

Attached you will find the.zip file that contains the Online/Hybrid Course Template.

(Note: this does not contain the RCSJ Student Resources or How-To Instructional Videos since those come pre-loaded now.)

Follow the instructions below to load the template into your own course(s).

  1. First, you need to download the .zip file that is attached to this article, and save it to your computer. The file is located to the right in the box named "FILES," though you may need to scroll down a little to see it. The best way to do this is to right-click on the file name, and then choose SAVE LINK AS so you can choose where to save the file. Remember where you saved the file so you can find it again in Step 6. 
  2. Log into eLearning.
  3. Click into the course where you want to load the template.
  4. Go to: Control Panel >> Packages and Utilities >> Import Package/View Logs

  5. Click the Import Package button.

  6. Under the area entitled “Select a Package” click the Browse my Computer button and find the file named Online-Hybrid-Course-Template.zip that you to your computer in Step 1 above.

  7. Under the area entitled “Select Course Materials” click the Select All button. 

  8. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Submit button.
    1. You will see an orange/goldenrod status bar across the top of that page that will say the process is Waiting, Running, or Complete. Once it says Complete, leave the course and click back in. You should see your course content.
      1. If the process is Complete and you do not see your course content when you log back in, you may need to refresh your course menu. Do this by clicking the refresh icon at the top of your course menu. 
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Article ID: 40037
Tue 10/3/17 1:49 PM
Wed 7/24/19 4:47 PM