Both Campuses
OneDrive and Blackboard
What is OneDrive?
OneDrive is a location in the cloud where you can keep files. It is a bit like a hard drive (your local computer storage) or a flash drive, but it's located on the internet. This means you can access your OneDrive from any computer with an internet connection. There's no need to bring a flash drive with you or email yourself files. Every RCSJ faculty and staff member has access to OneDrive, and all Gloucester students also have access to OneDrive. (Cumberland students should have OneDrive access soon.)
With that in mind, OneDrive is a wonderful tool for storing course content that can be used in your eLearning courses.
What are the benefits of using OneDrive?
The greatest benefit of keeping content on OneDrive is that it's easily editable. For example, if you upload a Word document into Blackboard and then realize you need to make a change, you would need to delete the file you uploaded, make the changes to the file, and then re-upload the correct file. If instead you had linked to a Word file you have on your OneDrive, you could simply open the file on OneDrive and make the needed change.
Another benefit of OneDrive is that we limit the types of files that can be uploaded directly to Blackboard, but those files can instead be stored on OneDrive and shared in your cousre. For example, we do not allow users (instructors or students) to upload video files directly to Blackboard, but you're welcome to store your videos on your OneDrive and share them from there (or have your students do the same).
Instructions & Tutorials
Below you will find some instructions & tutorials for using OneDrive with your eLearning/Blackboard course(s).