- Navigate to the RCSJ Portal and find the link to Adobe Creative Cloud in the “My Applications” menu. You can also go directly to Adobe.com and click "Sign In".

- Enter your RCSJ email address and click “Continue”.

- Enter your RCSJ login information and then click “sign in”.

- Click on “Apps” near the upper left corner of the screen.

- Click “download” on the application you would like to install. (We will be using Photoshop to continue our example.)

- You will get this notification, but you do not need to request permission. Click “ok” and the software setup file will begin to download.

- Once the software setup file is downloaded click to run the application. You may be asked to allow this application to make changes to your device, click “Yes”.

- Click “Continue” to install the selected application.
Note *** You may be prompted to login and confirm your information again via the Creative Cloud login page***

- Fill out the questions below and click “Continue”.

- The Application will then begin installing. When it is completed the application will open automatically and a shortcut can be found in the programs menu of your computer.