If you are an RCSJ student and you would like to schedule your own Zoom meeting, follow the directions below.
Step 1: First, make sure you have set up your RCSJ Zoom account.
Step 2: Next, log into your Zoom account via the web: How do I log into my RCSJ Zoom Account?
Step 3: You will be on your Profile page. From here, at the top right is a link that says Schedule Meeting. Click that link to be taken to the next page. (screenshot below)

Step 4: Schedule your meeting.
- First, you'll want to give your meeting a relevant name. This name will appear on any calendar invites you send out, and will also be the name of any recordings you create of the meeting.
- Next, choose the date and time you'd like the meeting to begin, as well as the duration of this meeting.
- As the host, you can start your meeting at any time before the scheduled time if needed.
- You can manually type in a time. For example, you can enter 15 in the minutes field to schedule a time in a 15-minute increment.
- For duration, just choose your best guess. Meetings can continue beyond the chosen duration and will not be ended until the host specifically chooses to end the meeting. (The duration is mostly used to mark off time on a person's calendar when an invitation is sent.)
- If the meeting is recurring, select the box to be presented with additional options.
If you are unconcerned about other settings, you can now scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save, then continue to Step 6 of these instructions.
- Skip over the Registration and Meeting ID areas - just leave those settings as default.
- Under Security, you can choose to use a passcode or enable a waiting room.
- Under Video, you can choose if the Host or Participant will automatically join the room with their video on or off. All users will be able to turn their video on/off as needed, regardless of this setting.We suggest using the default setting of "Off."
- Under Audio, you can choose which options are available to users. We suggest using the default setting of "Both."
- Under Meeting options, you can choose the following options. Click on links to be taken to Zoom's overview page for each feature:
- Enable join before host
- Mute participants upon entry: this will automatically mute everyone as they come into the room. Everyone will be able to unmute themselves as needed. We recommend you leave this checked.
- Only authenticated users can join
- Automatically record meeting: Select this box if you are sure you want to record the meeting. Even if it is unselected, you have the option to record while a meeting is in progress, but you will have to manually click the record button.
- Finally, you can add Alternative Hosts if you want to.
Step 5: Go ahead and click the Save button
Step 6: Once you click Save, you'll be taken to the information page for the meeting you just scheduled. From here, you can add the meeting to your calendar and/or send out invitations to others.
- The easiest thing to do from here is to click "Copy Invitation" and then paste the invitation information into an email to your attendees. (screenshot below)

Step 7: When it is time for the meeting to start, you can log back into Zoom, and once logged into Zoom you can click the "Meetings" link on the left menu and then click the Start button next to your meeting. (screenshot below)