MS Bookings - How To Restrict A Service's Availability To Specific Days

Tags bookings


  • How do I make a Service only available during a specific date range?


  • Rowan College of South Jersey
  • RCSJ Employee
  • MS Bookings


  1. Login to your Bookings Calendar page
  2. Click on the "Services" tab on the left-side menu
  3. Open the Service you wish to edit or create a new Service with the "+ Add a service" blue button at the top of the page
  4. Edit the service settings
  5. Navigate down to the "Online Scheduling options" section
  6. Uncheck the "Use the default scheduling policy" option
  7. Navigate down to the "Availability" section
  8. Set the "General availability" to "Not bookable"
  9. Click on the "+ Set different availability for a date range" option (see below)
  10. Adjust the Availability.
  11. Click "Save"
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