MS Bookings - Holidays and Availability


  • How do I set up different hours for high/low volume periods?
  • How do I make sure we don't get appointments booked during a holiday?


  • Rowan College of South Jersey
  • RCSJ Employees
  • MS Bookings


You are able to configure special conditions for different date ranges using Bookings. This is helpful if your department does not offer services when volumes are particularly high and in-person or triage services are being offered. Alternatively, College Holidays may not be scheduled in your Bookings by default. This is important to configure if you want to avoid getting appointments while the College or your department is closed.

Setting Availability at the Department/Unit Level

  1. Once in your Bookings interface, click on the Booking Page tab at left

  2. Scroll down to the section labeled Availability and click on "+ Set different availability for a date range"

  3. Enter the Start, End (Inclusive), and the Type of Availability (most likely "Not bookable").

    An inclusive end date means that the date listed will be included as the last date on which a customer may not book. For instance, if you are closed beginning 9/1 and you resume accepting appointments on 9/10, you would enter your End (Inclusive) as 9/9.

  4. Scroll up to the top of the Booking Page tab and click Save and Publish. Your dates of available services will now be updated to reflect any closures.