RCSJ Multifactor authentication - Add or change MFA methods
There are some limitations to how many devices and different methods you can choose to authenticate:
- You can only have 1 Authenticator app assigned to your account at a time.
- "Phone" or "Alternate Phone" option will be able to receive calls or text, "Office phone" is only able to receive calls.
1) Sign into the RCSJ Portal, scroll down to the "My Applications" section and click "Office 365".
2) You will be asked to authenticate again while accessing your account. In the top right of the screen, click on the initials for the account
and then click "View Account".
3) In the Security Info section, click "Update Info".
4) Click "Add Sign-in method" to add an additional method to your account. You will then be asked to pick from the methods that are still available to you.
The instructions for adding those methods can be found here: Instructions.
If you would like to change or delete one of the methods you already registered, click "Change" or "Delete".