Students - Taking a Test Online (Gloucester)

The article below provides students with some tips for taking a test in eLearning. Please keep in mind that this information should be used to support any additional information provided to a student by their instructor.

What to do before a test.

  • First, make sure you are using Google Chrome as your browser. eLearning Support does not suggest students use Internet Explorer, Safari, or Microsoft Edge when accessing eLearning.
  • Be sure you are not using a mobile device to take your test. Chromebooks are considered mobile devices in most cases.
  • Check to see if your instructor requires Respondus Lockdown Browser (LDB) for your test. If so, be sure to download and install the program before you begin the test. To access a test that requires Respondus Lockdown Browser, you will need to launch LDB and login to eLearning, then navigate to the test from within the browser.
  • Before you click to begin the test, be sure to read any directions provided by your instructor. If your instructor has provided a practice test, be sure to do that first so you can become familiar with how tests work in eLearning. If your instructor has not provided a practice test, feel free to access the Online Learning Orientation course which is listed in the My Courses area. You can find a practice test in the Module 5 Lesson Activities folder.
  • Consider contacting the Academic Support Center to learn test taking skills.
  • Be sure that you have a strong internet connection when taking the exam. If your wi-fi connection is usually slow or problematic, you may want to consider taking the test from another location, or on a hard-wired computer that is connected to the internet via ethernet rather than via wi-fi. 

What to do while taking a test.

  • Navigate to where the test is located in your course. If you haven't already, read any information provided by your instructor about what to expect when taking the test.
  • Click on the link to the test.
  • On the next page, be sure to read through all of the information provided by your instructor. Depending on the test settings, you may see information about the time allotted, whether the test will save automatically and submit when time runs out, and how many attempts you are allowed. 
  • When are you are ready, click BEGIN.
  • Depending on how your instructor has set up the test, questions will either be presented to you all at one time, or you will see test questions one at a time.
    • In either case, your answers will auto-save after a selection is made. If your answers are not auto-saving, be sure to click the SAVE ANSWER button after making each answer selection.
    • If the questions are displayed one at a time, you can use the grey arrow buttons to move through the test. The button with the single arrow will move to the next question, the button with the two arrows will jump to the last question. Do not use your browser's forward/back/refresh buttons to navigate the test.
  • If for some reason your browser closes or your computer crashes, log back into eLearning as quickly as possible and navigate back to the test to continue. Unless your instructor has a special setting on the test that prevents you from leaving the test, you should be able to get back in and pick up where you left off - though if there is a timer it will have continued to run.
  • When you are finished, click the SAVE AND SUBMIT button.
  • If you run into other issues while taking your test, be sure to contact eLearning Support and your instructor to let them know.
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Article ID: 145217
Thu 4/13/23 10:36 AM
Thu 4/13/23 10:36 AM