Both Campuses
Both campuses' eLearning/Blackboard systems were updated to Ultra Base Navigation (UBN) on May 10, 2023. Please use the resources below to learn more about UBN.
What is Ultra Base Navigation?
Ultra Base Navigation, or UBN, is a new navigation interface that replaces the existing My Institution page, which is the landing page in eLearning/Blackboard. Instead of landing on a page with tabs at the top right (My Institution, My Courses) and modules in columns in the center of the page (My Courses, Tools, My Announcements, etc.), UBN puts all of these options along the left side of the page and, most importantly, matches the layout and style of the Blackboard mobile app.
UBN does not affect the layout of courses. RCSJ courses still look, feel, and function the same.
Want to see Ultra Base Navigation?
Click the image below to watch a video that provides an overview of what Ulta Base Navigation looks like.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I have a class that hasn't started yet. Where do I find it?
To see courses that haven't started yet, you'll need to navigate to the Upcoming Courses page. First, click on the Courses link on the left side menu. Next, at the top right you'll see a link that says Upcoming Courses. Click on that to be taken to a page that will show you courses you are currently enrolled in that have not yet started. These courses will be marked as Private - you can see them, but if you click to enter them you will get a pop-up letting you know that the course is not yet available to students. Generally, courses will not become available to students until the first day of the course; however, some instructors like to open courses early to students. Once a course is available to students it will appear under Current Courses.
Q: I took classes with RCSJ in previous semesters - will I still see my old courses once you move to UBN?
A: Yes; however, it is up to your instructor whether or not your courses from previous semesters will still be available for you to access. You will see your courses from previous semesters (and from upcoming semesters in some cases), but when you click on a course you may find that you get a pop-up telling you that the course is not currently open.
Q: Where can I find information about student resources, like tutoring, advising, or tech support?
A: Students can very easily access student resources via the Assist link on the new UBN menu. It's the third link up from the bottom. There are also video tutorials for how to use eLearning/Blackboard right there on the landing page when you login - just scroll down to the section labeled Video Tutorials.
Q: What do I do if I have questions or concerns about UBN?
A: Contact us! Please email us at and let us know what concerns or questions you have. We're happy to work with you.