How do I make a backup of my course? (Both Campuses)

Both Campuses

We always encourage faculty to keep their own course backups in case content from a course is needed in the future. We especially recommend instructors create backups before the Division of Innovation and Technology removes courses from the system.

There are three types of backup files that can be created for a course:

  1. A course export file makes a copy of all of the course content (teaching materials, assignments, quizzes, etc.).
    • Export files can be imported into any course shell by an instructor. They are most commonly used to move course content from one course into another. - RECOMMENDED
  2. A course archive file makes a copy of the course content and includes all student activity and grade information.
    • Archive files can only be restored by an eLearning administrator. They are most commonly created by administrators to keep a complete copy of a course on file in case an issue arises in the future.
  3. A course content file downloads copies of all (or selected) course files, such as PDFs, Word docs, and other media.
    • Course content files allow instructors to access all of the course files from outside of eLearning.

Click the appropriate link below to be taken to step-by-step instructions for creating the course backup of your choice.

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Article ID: 1845
Mon 7/7/14 8:51 AM
Thu 10/13/22 10:39 AM