Mobile Devices and eLearning/Blackboard (Both Campuses)

Both Campuses

eLearning Support's current statement regarding using a mobile device for eLearning is summarized as such: Do not use a mobile device to submit content in your eLearning/Blackboard course.

This includes assignments, tests, quizzes, discussion board postings, journal, blog, and wiki entries, or anything else that may be graded. Our eLearning system (Blackboard Learn) does NOT support mobile browsers, and submitting content while using a mobile browser could result in a failing grade for your submission.

Mobile devices that are not compatible with eLearning/Blackboard include: iPhones, Android phones, tablets, iPads, Chromebooks, and any Microsoft device running in S Mode.

Blackboard has a mobile app that students are welcome to download and use; however, the above statement still applies due to limitations in the design of the app. Please only use the app to view content, and use a device that meets technical requirements (see below) to submit any content that may be graded.

Please note that as of July 1, 2020, all RCSJ students are required to have a device that will allow them to be successful in their educational careers. You can visit the RCSJ Laptops page for more information about devices that meet technical requirements.

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Article ID: 2357
Wed 9/17/14 2:25 PM
Thu 10/13/22 9:54 AM