Both Campuses
Explanation of the Issue:
When a computer's resolution is set to 1024x768 or lower, eLearning switches to what is known as a "mobile view" of the system. This drastically changes the layout of eLearning, sometimes making it confusing or impossible to access certain tools.
For reference, the eLearning system is a mobile compatible website. This means that if a student were to visit the eLearning site on their smartphone or tablet, it would re-size itself so that it's easier to navigate on their mobile device. Please note that this does not mean that work should be completed in eLearning via a browser on a mobile device. Click here to see RCSJ's statement regarding eLearning and mobile devices.
The issue is that when you are viewing the eLearning site on a desktop (or laptop), it should not resize itself as if you are on a mobile device. Unfortunately, some computers are set to a lower resolution, and this is what is causing the mobile version to display, rather than the full desktop version.
This issue exists on the Blackboard side of things, and we are working with Blackboard to permanently resolve this issue.
Below are screenshots showing both the desktop view (left) and mobile view (right).
Screenshots of My Institution Page |
(Drag screenshots to the address bar to view them fullsize.)
In the screenshots above, you will see the two views of the My Institution page.
On the left is the usual desktop view, and on the right is the forced mobile view.
All of the same content is available, but in the mobile view you must scroll down the page to see everything.
Screenshots of Course Homepage |
(Drag screenshots to the address bar to view them fullsize.)
In the screenshots above, you will see the two views of the Course page.
On the left is the usual desktop view, and on the right is the forced mobile view.
In the mobile view, the course menu is collapsed on the left side of the page and can be expanded by clicking on it.
Resolution of the Issue:
To fix this issue, you will need to change the resolution of your screen (if you are on a personal computer), or you will need to "zoom out" in your browser (recommended for using a computer on RCSJ's campuses).